Digital & Social Transformation Skills for active and healthy living.
How to harness today’s crisis to build good societies & silver economy opportunities in the future.
The participation at Trieste Citizen Accelerator AAL 2021 is free of charge.
The Trieste Citizen Accelerator: Active and Healthy over 65 is a 2 days event organized by the Upper Adriatic Technology Park (Polo Tecnologico Alto Adriatico) and funded by the European Joint Programme Ambient Assisted Living. Its goal is to help addressing loneliness & isolation of older adults through Innovative & Tech solutions.
The Accelerator will bring together citizens from various ages: students civil society organisations Civil society Organizations family caregivers support administrators mentors from private and local/regional public authorities to jointly develop innovative & creative ideas/ tech solutions.
This initiative includes social participation between citizens and experts & the competition (hackathon) between teams.
The agenda and registration to the initiative is available by dedicated links to sessions phygital/ physical.
Phygital stands for online digital attendance.
Physical stands for attendance in presence.