Si partecipa a questa iniziativa compilando il questionario a questo link. Preferibile è la residenza in Provincia di Pordenone.
Questo progetto è finanziato dal programma europeo ERASMUS+ Programme KA210 Small-scale partnerships.
The DIGI.CREA-E project financed by the ERASMUS+ program is coordinated by the Upper Adriatic Technology Park of Pordenone and will be carried out in collaboration with a Spanish NGO with a cultural and creative vocation, La Periferica Cultura Contemporanea.
The general objective of the project is to create a Creative & Innovation Hub for the transfer of knowledge, skills and good practices between Italy and Spain, aimed at achieving the specific objective of training future entrepreneurs able to face business challenges (climate change, digital transition and smart working) towards conscious sustainability in the economic, social and environmental fields. The aim is to support this NGO to grow thanks to the expertise of the Polo Tecnologico Alto Adriatico.
The specific objectives of the DIGI.CREA-E project are:
• enlarging the knowledge on technologies and digital and creativity skills at local level;
• training future entrepreneurs capable of facing business challenges (climate change, digital transition and smart working) towards conscious sustainability in the economic, social and environmental fields;
• opening the EU collaboration in the active citizenship and social inclusion;
• aligning the horizonal objective of developing the resilience, capability and responsiveness of digital transformation in the cultural and creative sector.
• upskilling adults and improving accessibility in the educative paths (entrepreneurship, informal training on creative design thinking, innovative path in the creative entrepreneurship).
The project offers a creative and entrepreneurial planning training course and a professional training course in the company, with which the foundations will be laid for conceptualizing and co-creating resilient and sustainable business models, on a local scale.
There will be totally 20 participants in the training courses between Italy and Spain and they will have access to the company path. Participation in the training course is preparatory to the path in the company.
The training course will take place in Pordenone from 9 to 13 January 2023. The training course will take place in Almeria from 23 to 27 January 2023.
This project is funded by the European ERASMUS+ Program KA210 Small-scale partnerships.
The project code is: 2021-2-IT02-KA210-ADU-000049300